Since I wasn't getting the weight loss results I wanted from clean eating alone I was considering calorie counting when I ran across a blog called http://www.runsforcookies.com . It was so inspiring! The author, Katie, lost a ton of weight counting calories for her first 50 lbs and ran and counted for the rest. I was excited because of her attitude towards weight loss. Only doing things and making changes (today) you can do for a lifetime. And that includes not giving up the things you love to eat… like cookies. But exercising and watching your caloric intake. That makes it sound too easy but if you're counting calories it's not "that" easy. But, away, good ol' diet and exercise. Just a different more long term and livable approach. I have been tracking calories through SparkPeople for the last 4 days and it's been harder to stay within my limit range than I thought it would be! I realized that even though we were eating healthy foods we were eating too much of them. Those little calorie buggers add up fast! But it's been good. I'm down 3 lbs (even though it's the same 3 i've lost and gained 5 times since we moved here) it's a start. I suppose my last accountability post had some good results on my responsibility to self… and you all. :) My goal is also to do some form of exercise no matter how long or anything 4 times a week. Until I'm more confident and capable and then i'll start stepping it up.
On a Different Note: Life
Things have been going well! It takes time to get back into the groove of life after being separated for so long. The fights have become few and far between and we seem to be back in sync with one another. We really enjoy the time we spend together as a family, and it's a good thing too because so far we haven't spent much time with anyone else…. haha but seriously. The other day we watched a movie and Rowan sat between us, a rare occasion for him to be content just sitting! It was so nice and fun to just do something as a little family!
Danny is on swings and that hasn't been too fun. I just try to have a cooked breakfast together or have "dinner" ready by lunch time so we can sit down and share a meal before he goes. I read a post on fb the other day from someones blog about asking more meaningful questions to get more meaningful answers. I've been trying to do that with Danny when we lie down at night and talk about our day…. usually we ask one another what their "FPD" was (favorite part of the day, tradition adopted from a roommate at carriage house I just can't remember which…) Danny always says "Just hanging out with you babe." And I always ask "Which part of hanging out with me was your favorite?' So I've been asking "When did you feel most loved today?" It's probably annoying but I enjoy hearing his answers. And makes me realize I need to step it up if he didn't really have any moment to share. Last nights made me laugh! I had seen people make overnight oats in a peanut butter jar to use up the last bits and I thought it was a good idea. Where I went wrong was throwing in some quinoa. I thought it would… I don't know soak up some moisture overnight? Well, not at all duh. So my oatmeal was nasty gluey mush that tasted like raw chewy quinoa. Danny doesn't really love oatmeal anyway so I felt bad and got him an apple too while I kept saying "well it's good for us…" his moment during the day when he felt most loved? When his wife handed him nasty mush oatmeal and felt bad it was gross and gave him half an apple! ;P
Danny is on swings and that hasn't been too fun. I just try to have a cooked breakfast together or have "dinner" ready by lunch time so we can sit down and share a meal before he goes. I read a post on fb the other day from someones blog about asking more meaningful questions to get more meaningful answers. I've been trying to do that with Danny when we lie down at night and talk about our day…. usually we ask one another what their "FPD" was (favorite part of the day, tradition adopted from a roommate at carriage house I just can't remember which…) Danny always says "Just hanging out with you babe." And I always ask "Which part of hanging out with me was your favorite?' So I've been asking "When did you feel most loved today?" It's probably annoying but I enjoy hearing his answers. And makes me realize I need to step it up if he didn't really have any moment to share. Last nights made me laugh! I had seen people make overnight oats in a peanut butter jar to use up the last bits and I thought it was a good idea. Where I went wrong was throwing in some quinoa. I thought it would… I don't know soak up some moisture overnight? Well, not at all duh. So my oatmeal was nasty gluey mush that tasted like raw chewy quinoa. Danny doesn't really love oatmeal anyway so I felt bad and got him an apple too while I kept saying "well it's good for us…" his moment during the day when he felt most loved? When his wife handed him nasty mush oatmeal and felt bad it was gross and gave him half an apple! ;P